Many professionals are eager to apply a web based scheduling software solution; to their existing Web presence. However, some have expressed concern about how the appointment scheduling software system, will compliment their existing Web site. Thankfully, the online scheduler integration is effortless.
- Simply add a link, or an image button, to any of your new or existing Web page/s.
- When a customer visits the Web site, and signs-up for an online appointment; a link is e-mailed to them.
As well, organizations and professionals are able to accept secure online appointment payments, utilizing the Web based scheduling software. When a customer schedules an appointment, they are prompted to proceed with their online payment. Customer credit cards are then securely processed, through the Point Of Sale (POS) interface. As an added feature, the appointment schedule and payment information, is easily exportable; to Excel.
For organizations and professionals who do not currently maintain a corporate Web site, software companies like Appointment-Plus; allow clients to utilize a standard template, as their organization or company's Web site.