Acupuncturists and other practitioners of holistic medicine, are discovering that online appointment scheduling software can be utilized as a valuable internal-only scheduling system, or an online scheduler. The easy to use web based scheduler, encourages clients to schedule their own appointments online; and at their convenience.
Some of the innovative features available from an appointment or room scheduling software are:
- Automatic appointment reminder e-mails reduce the likelihood of client "no-shows".
- Allows for easy online payment, which discourages client "no-shows".
- Daily appointment scheduler reports, help practitioners stay current and organized.
- Complete history of all scheduled client appointments; including unlimited appointment notes.
Chiropractors and Physiotherapists often have unique appointment scheduling requirements; and require solutions that can accomodate busy practices and various services. Some practices are equipped to see more than one patient at a time, and some practitioners offer additional services, such as massage. Appointment-Plus provides a flexible web based scheduling software program, that includes the ability to:
- Schedule services to more than one patient at a time.
- Customize individual time slots and allocate more time to first-time patients.
- Allow patients to schedule their own appointments online.
- Set up recurring appointments.
- Categorize clients by the type of patient/services, etc.
- Maintain a dependable and secure database of all patient information.
- Offer a variety of scheduling services to patients; such as massage, etc.
Online appointment scheduling software is a web-based scheduling program, and as such; all that is needed to enjoy the benefits, is an Internet connection. The online scheduler makes it possible for practitioners and clients, to schedule, cancel and monitor appointments from the office, home; or on the move.
Literally hundreds of customizable online scheduler features are available, to improve chiropractor, acupuncturist and medical practioner scheduling. To see if online scheduling software is right for your office or practice; take a moment to view an online scheduler demo.